Urban Wastewater Treatment and Mitigation

  The New Mitigation Paradigm

Urban waste water facilities are ideal candidates for installation of the Nitro EELS treatment systems without involving major and costly infrastructure works.

Our understanding is that results of a successfully reconfigured treatment plant will provide a balance in the biological processing of waste water resulting in a higher quality discharge which will ideally meet or exceed Regional Council consent conditions.  The balanced biological processing will also yield intensive production of aquatic invertebrates naturally suitable for fish food.

This new paradigm will see the treatment facilities biological living products supporting a newly-created and vibrant wetland aquaculture ecosystem within the existing pond complexes.  This new quaternary polishing pond aquaculture system can connect with adjoining waterways via fish passes.  It is known that the quality of water leaving the ponds through the fish passes will attract and grow healthy brood-stocks of estuary fish.  It is intended that whitebait, long fin eel, short fin eel and mullet will be grown in this nursery and released into the wild as part of their natural migratory life-cycles. Apart from creating an attractive wetland reserve from areas that are currently hidden and under utilised, the additional fish eggs grown by well-fed fish living in a productive habitat will result in local fisheries enhancement in the adjoining waterways.

Raglan EELS Ltd specialises in resource consent consulting and applications.